My Type 2 Diabetes Journey And My Monitoring Of Blood Sugar Levels

I was concerned that I could be prone to developing type 2 diabetes.

My grandmother had type 2 and so my mother too. I believed I was working too much when my symptoms started at the age of 44. I noticed that I had to get up to go to the bathroom nearly every hour. I worked between 40 and 60 hours per week as a manager at the non-profit.

For about four months, I suffered from these symptoms. Finally, I was feeling extremely exhausted and sick. This led me to the doctor.

My doctor conducted an exam of the body. He also assessed my blood pressure. My A1c score was 12%. This was far above what is typical. My doctor advised me that "if you continue on here this path, you're doing much damage." Change your lifestyle and become fit.

I already was pretty well-informed about my health, not even working too hard. Exercise and diet were the main focus for my first 3 months. My doctor suggested that I monitor my food intake so that he could make adjustments to my food habits. He gave me the prescription to get more exercise. When I came back 3 months later, my A1c had dropped from 12% to 10 10%.

Stay tuned for more details about my journey, my questions and the tools I found that have helped me deal with Type 2 diabetes.

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